• Espasa, A., Guasch, T., Mayordomo, R.M. y Martinez-Melo, M. (26-28, Junio 2024). Internal feedback in online learning environments: scenarios and methodological challenges. SIG 1 Conference 2024 of the EARLI (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction). Assessment and inclusivity in the era of digital transformation. Barcelona, España. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1e-xjDSUWDktsLR-qlNPflXaeCgmYm5_7/view
  • Martinez-Melo, M., Espasa, A., Guasch, T. y Mayordomo, R.M. (26-28, Junio 2024). Disengagement with feedback students profile: factors to reduce disengagement in online environments. SIG 1 Conference 2024 of the EARLI (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction). Assessment and inclusivity in the era of digital transformation. Barcelona, España. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1e-xjDSUWDktsLR-qlNPflXaeCgmYm5_7/view


  • Espasa, A., Guasch, T., Mayordomo R.M. y Martinez-Melo, M. (21-26 Abril, 2022). Learners’ online feedback experience. Does it affect students’ engagement with feedback? [Póster oral]. AERA Annual Meeting 2022 (American Educational Research Association). San Diego, California. https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/aera/aera22/
  • Guasch, T. Mayordomo, R.M. Espasa, A. y Martinez-Melo, M. (27-30, Junio 2022). Readiness to engage cognitively with online feedback the role of self-efficacy beliefs [Comunicación oral]. SIG 1 & 4 Joint Conference 2022 of the EARLI (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction). Exploring research synergies to learn from each other. Cadiz, España. https://ssl.earli.org/SIG1andSIG4-Cadiz2022#scientific-programme
  • Martinez-Melo, M., Espasa, A., Guasch, T. y Mayordomo, R.M. (27-30, Junio 2022). Feedback experience as a presage factor of feedback engagement profiles in online higher education [Comunicación oral]. SIG 1 & 4 Joint Conference 2022 of the EARLI (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction). Exploring research synergies to learn from each other. Cadiz, España.
  • Martínez-Ricart, M., Guasch,T. y Espasa, A. (Junio, 2019. Pospuesto al 2022). Discrepancies between the self-perceived level of feedback literacy and the feedback knowledge in online students [Comunicación oral aceptada. Congreso pospuesto hasta el 2022]. SIG 1 “Assessment and Evaluation” and SIG 4 “Higher Education”, the Joint SIG1 & SIG4 Conference 2020 of the EARLI (European Research Association on Learning and Instruction). Cadiz, España.
  • Mayordomo, R.M., Espasa, A., Martinez-Melo, M. y Guasch, T. (Junio, 2019. Pospuesto al 2022). Emotional and cognitive engagement with feedback in online learning environments [Comunicación oral aceptada. Congreso pospuesto hasta el 2022]. SIG 1 “Assessment and Evaluation” and SIG 4 “Higher Education”, the Joint SIG1 & SIG4 Conference 2020 of the EARLI (European Research Association on Learning and Instruction)”. Cadiz, España.


  • Espasa, A. (2021). El qué y el cómo del feedback online en la educación superior [Conferencia invitada]. V Foro internacional de Investigación en ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje. Colombia.
  • Espasa, A., Mayordomo, R. M., Guasch, T. y Martinez.Melo, M. (2021). Is study discipline a relevant variable in relation to student feedback literacy? Edulearn 2021 (13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies) Proceedings. pp. 6668-6675. https://library.iated.org/view/ESPASA2021IS
  • Guasch, T. (2021). Diálogo: Capacitación docente pospandemia. Impulsado por el Observatorio del Instituto para el Futuro de la Educación (IFE) del Tecnológico de Monterrey, la Oficina de Nuevas Tendencias Educativas del Vicerrectorado Académico de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) y el Observatorio de Tendencias del E-Learn Center de la Universidad Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).
  • Guasch, T. Ponencia Magistral invitada“¿Utilizan los estudiantes el feedback que reciben? El e-feedback como herramienta para la implicación de los estudiantes en el aprendizaje” el 19 de febrero, Congreso Virtual Internacional de Innovación y Equidad Educativa. Una visión integradora desde las IES.17 -19 de febrero de 2021.
  • Guasch, T. (2021).  Webinar de formació de professorat universitari (dins del seu Diplomado) Pilares para una docencia de calidad en las ENES Unidad de León UNAM (México). https://www.facebook.com/247123911998493/posts/4522687657775409/?d=n
  • Guasch, T. Keynote presentation. Invitation. 3/09/2021. Mastering the challenges of online education: Planning and feedback. ESPLAT2021 conference. https://www.esplat.org/esplat2021
  • Martinez-Melo, M y Guasch, T. (2021). Students profiles of cognitive and emotional engagement with feedback in online higher education. Edulearn 2021 (13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies), 10999-11007. https://library.iated.org/view/MARTINEZMELO2021STU
  • Martinez-Melo, M y Guasch, T. (5-6, Julio 2021). Students profiles of cognitive and emotional engagement with feedback in online higher education. Comunicación oral]. Edulearn 2021 (13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies). Proceedings. 10999-11007. https://library.iated.org/view/MARTINEZMELO2021STU


  • Guasch, T. Invitación Conferencia Magistral de Clausura Sácale el máximo provecho al feedback del 6° Encuentro Universitario de mejores prácticas de uso de TIC en la Educación, EDUCATIC 2020, 27 de noviembre/2020.
  • Guasch, T. y Espasa, A. (2020). Menos es más: menos correcciones y más feedback para aprender. En A. Sangrà (coord.). Decálogo para la mejora de la docencia online. Propuestas para educar en contextos presenciales discontinuos (pp. 151-167). Editorial UOC.  http://openaccess.uoc.edu/webapps/o2/bitstream/10609/122307/1/9788491807766_no_venal_ES.pdf
  • Mayordomo, R.M, Espasa, A., Guasch, T. y Martínez-Melo, M. (2020). Relationship between emotional and cognitive engagement with feedback in online environments. ICERI 2020 Proceedings, pp 5672-5676. Available: https://library.iated.org/view/MAYORDOMO2020REL


  • Guasch, T. Espasa, A y Mayordomo, R.M. Engagement with feedback in online learning environments: a methodological approach for a multidimensional analysis. ECER Conference. EERA (European Educational Research Association). Hamburg, 2019.
  • Martinez-Ricart, M. (2019). Feedback literacy as the bridge for engaging students with feedback in online learning environments [Mesa redonda]. 23rd pre-conference of the Junior Researchers of EARLI. EARLI-JURE 2019 (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction). Aachen, Germany.


  • Guasch, T. Mayordomo, R.M. Espasa, A. Martínez-Melo, M y Martínez, M. Does the type of feedback channel used in online learning environments matter? SIG Assessment of EARLI. (European Association Research on Learning and Instruction). Helsinki, August, 2018.
  • Guasch, T. Espasa, A. y Mayordomo, R.M. Feedback literacy in online learning environments: Engaging students with feedback. Assessment in Higher Education, Manchester, June, 2017.


  • Guasch, T. Espasa, A. Mayordomo, R.M. y Martínez-Melo, M. Type and timing of feedback in an online learning environment: relation and implications for learning. EARLI. (European Association Research on Learning and Instruction). Tampere, August, 2017.
  • Floratos, N., Guasch, T. y Espasa, A. Effective feedback and assessment practices for enhanced student engagement in moocs. EDULEARN. 9th annual International Conference on Education and New Technologies. Barcelona, July, 2017.


  • Floratos, N., Guasch, T. y Espasa, A. Is student engagement higher in MOOCs with appropriate formative assessment and feedback practices? ICERI (International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation). November, 2016.


  • Espasa, A., Guasch, T. Mayordomo, R.M. y Martinez-Melo, M (2015). Dialogic formative feedback in online environments: Is it a matter of teacher’ own perception of their workload? International Conference Assessment for Learning in Higher Education. Hong Kong, China.
  • Floratos, N., Guasch, T. y Espasa, A (2015). Recommendations on Formative Assessment and Feedback Practices for stronger engagement in MOOCs. Open Education Global Conference. Banff. Alberta, Canada.


  • Espasa, A., Guasch, T. y Martínez-Melo, M. (2014). Feedback giver: effects on feedback use and implementation. SIG Assessment of EARLI (European Association Research on Learning and Instruction). Madrid, España.
  • Espasa, A., Guasch, T., Martínez-Melo, M. y Mayordomo, R. (13 noviembre 2014). Feedback process in online learning environment: main finding of EdOnline Research Group. Paper presented at Ist International Workshop on Technology-Enhanced Assessment, Analytics and Feedback (TEAAF 2o14). Organised by Tekking Research Group.
  • Guasch, T y Espasa, A. Unravelling the feedback process on collaborative writing in online learning environments (Agosto 2014). SIG Writing of EARLI (European Association Research on Learning and Instruction). Amsterdam, Paises Bajos.


  • Espasa, A.; Rochera, M. J. y Guasch, T. (Agosto, 2013). Formative feedback in online interaction to enhance learning. Organised symposium. EARLI Conference (European Association Research on Learning and Instruction). Munich, Alemania. Discussant: Susanne Narciss.
  • Guasch, T.; Espasa, A., Álvarez, I., y Kirschner, P.A. (Agosto 2013). Harnessing formative feedback: effect of feedback on the writing process in online interactions. EARLI Conference (European Association Research on Learning and Instruction). Munich, Alemania.


  • Espasa, A. y Guasch. T. (2012). Feedback formativo en entornos virtuales: retos y oportunidades para contribuir al aprendizaje. Conferencia invitada. Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. México.
  • Espasa, A. y Guasch. T. (2012). Organizers and chairs of the symposium: The role of formative feedback in collaborative writing in online learning environments or computer supported environments. SIG Writing. EARLI (European Association Research on Learning and Instruction). Porto, July 2012. Discussant: Gert Rijlaarsdam. University of Amsterdam.
  • Guasch, T.; Espasa, A., Álvarez, I., & Kirschner, P.A (2012). How do students utilize teacher’s feedback and peer feedback in online learning environments. SIG Writing. EARLI (European Association Research on Learning and Instruction). Porto, Portugal.
  • Guasch, T.; Espasa, A., Álvarez, I., & Kirschner, P.A. (Abril 2012) Suggestions, Corrections, or Critical Questions? Which Type of Feedback Contributes to Better Writing in a Collaborative Online Learning Environment? AERA. Vancouver, Canada.
  • Guasch, T. (Enero 2012). How do students utilize feedback in online learning environments: a methodological model. CELSTEC. Center for Learning Sciences and Technologies, Open University of the Netherlands.
Teresa & Anna at EARLI Conference 2009


  • Guasch, T. & Espasa, A. (2011). Is there a gap between teachers’ conceptions of learner supports and their ICT competencies to teach in an online learning environment? EARLI 2011, Education for a Global Networked Society. August, 30th – September, 3rd, 2011 – Exeter, United Kingdom.
  • Espasa, A. Guasch, T. & Alvarez, I. (2011). Feedback in an online environment: student’s perceptions and impact on the learning process. EARLI 2011, Education for a Global Networked Society. August, 30th – September, 3rd, 2011 – Exeter, United Kingdom.
  • Guasch, T., Espasa, A., Alvarez, I., & Kirschner, P. A. (2011, 31 May). How does feedback and peer feedback affect collaborative writing in a virtual learning environment? Presentation at a Learning & Cognition meeting, Open Universiteit in the Netherlands, Heerlen, The Netherlands.
  • Guasch, T; Bautista, G. (2011). Training new teachers for Secondary Education: trying out changes and improvements. VIII International Seminar “Teacher Training: Reconsidering Teachers’ Roles”. UNESCO Chair in e-Learning. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Barcelona, October 2011.
  • Espasa, A. (2011, 5 May). El feedback amb funció formativa: El cas de l’assignatura Estadística Aplicada. Jornada sobre Avaluació: ´La retroacció com a element clau per a l’avaluació continuada). Organitzat per l’ICE-Universitat de Barcelona.


  • Espasa, A.; Guasch, T. & Álvarez, I. (2010). Electronic teacher feedback and peer-feedback in a virtual learning environment. How and why? Academic Writing from bachelor to PhD. Interdisciplinary conference hosted by the Department of Education, University of Bergen. Solstrand, 7-8th October 2010.
  • Guasch, T.; Espasa, A. & Álvarez, I. (2010) El feedback en los procesos de escritura colaborativa en un entorno virtual: una experiencia de coevaluación en una tarea argumentativa. VI Congreso Internacional Docencia universitaria e Innovación. Barcelona, 2010.
  • Guasch, T.; Espasa, A & Álvarez, I. (2010). Feedback in collaborative writing process in an online learning environment. Earli. SIG Writing 8th to 10th of September 2010, University of Education at Heidelberg, Germany.
  • Guasch, T. & Espasa, A. (2010). University teachers’ conceptions and competencies about educational supports in an online learning environment. 8th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: EISTA 2010, June 29th – July 2nd, 2010 – Orlando, Florida, USA

Before 2010

  • Guasch, T. Espasa, A i Álvarez, I. (2009). Educational ICT competency framework for university teachers and teacher’s trainers in online learning environments. EARLI, 2009: Fostering communities of learners.Amsterdam, 24-29 Agost, 2009.
  • Espasa, A. Guasch, T. i Álvarez, I. (2009). A methodological approach to identify teacher’s ICT competencies in online learning environments in Higher Education. Comunicació presentada en el simposi: Competences in Teacher Education: Examples worthwhile to be achieved. EARLI, 2009: Fostering communities of learners.24-29 Agost, 2009.
  • Espasa, A., Virtanen, P.i Nevgi, A. Feedback as a promoter of self-regulated learning in Higher Education: A case study of the IQ Learn technological tool. Paper presentat a l’special track Computer-based Knowledge & Skill Assessment and Feedback in Leaning Settings (CAF) dincs ICL (Interactive Computer Aided Learning). 24-26 setembre 2008. Villach, Àustria.
  • Balagué, F., Higueras, E., Prats. E. I Espasa, A. (2008). El blog com a eina d’autoregulació del procés d’aprenentatge. CIDUI (Congreso Internacional de Docencia Universitaria e Innovación), Lleida, 2-4 Juliol de 2008.
  • Guasch, T, Álvarez I. I Espasa, A. (2008). Trans-national study of teacher’s ICT competencies in online learning environments in Higher Education. Eden (European Distance and E-learning Network): How do we learn?, Where do we learn. Lisboa, 11-14 Juny de 2008
  • Espasa, A. (2007). The presentation of feedback in virtual environments: a comparison between conceptual and procedural subjects. JURE (Juniors Researchers of EARLI). Budapest (Hungary), 27 – 28 d’agost de 2007.
  • Guasch, T. Espasa, A., Badia, A. i  Barberà.  E.(2007).  Educational uses of ICT in an online learning environment: analysis of an experience in Higher Education. EARLI (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction). Budapest (Hungary), 28 agost – 1 setembre de 2007.
  • Barberà, E.; Badia, A.; Espasa, A.; Guasch, T. (2007). “Metacognitive presence” in asynchronous online learning environments: self, mutual and hetero-regulation. EARLI (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction). Budapest (Hungary), 28 agost – 1 setembre de 2007.
  • Barberà, E.; Guasch, T.; Espasa, A. (2007). ”E-portfolio to assess professional competences in university virtual classrooms”. A: Web Based Education. IASTED, 2007. IASTED: FRANÇA.
  • Álvarez, I., Guasch, T. i Espasa, A. (2006). Delimitaciones previas a la formación para el uso de las TIC en la enseñanza universitaria: funciones y competencias del docente en entornos  virtuales. Actas del 4º Congreso Internacional Docencia Universitaria e Innovación (CIDUI).  5-7 Juliol, Barcelona.
  •  Álvarez, I. Guasch, T i Espasa, A. (2006). How to Design Teachers’ Training Actions to Improve Teaching with ICT. Actas del 4º EDEN Research Workshop: Research into online distance education and e-learning. Castelldefels, Spain, 25-28 october, 2006.
  • Guasch, T. i Espasa, A. (2006). E-portafoli: les ajudes educatives des d’una perspectiva socio-constructivista. Jornades en xarxa sobre l’Espai Europeu d’Educació Superior. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. 2-20 octubre-2006.
  • Espasa, A. (2005). Learning feedback in virtual teaching-learning environments: realiability of an observational instrument. JURE (Junior Researchers of EARLI). Agost 22-23, Xipre. 1er premi: Best Poster Award. JURE 2005 pre-conference.
  • Guasch, T., Espasa, A., Barberà, E  i  Badia, A. (2005). Knowledge construction in a multimedia self-learning environment: a methodological approach. EARLI Biennial Conference 2005: Teaching and learning in different learning computer support scenarios. 23 – 27 Agost, Xipre.
  • Guasch, T; Barberà, E; Espasa, A i Badia, A. (2005). Social and cognitive influences of the technology in a virtual classroom. Congrés Internacional. Conference ISCAR (International Society for cultural and activity research). 20-24 setembre 2005. Sevilla
  • Guasch, T.,  Espasa, A., Barberà, E. i Badia, A. (2005). La construcción conjunta de la comprensión de significados en un entorno virtual de enseñanza y aprendizaje superior. I Congreso Internacional de Psicología y Educación en tiempos de cambio: 2-3 febrer, Barcelona.